
Vanda Gordon Dillon 'Joe'

Thank you for visiting our website

If you have found your way to our website we assume that you already have an interest in growing orchids and want to learn more. Whether you are already an experienced grower or are discovering the joy of cultivating orchids for the first time, you are assured of a warm welcome.

Here you will find out about the Society and its activities. Please take time to browse the content and if you have any questions or comments, please get in touch with us via our CONTACT US page.

The Scottish Orchid Society was originally founded in 1959 and we now cater for orchid lovers from all over Scotland and beyond. We are the only orchid society based in Scotland and are a group of people who are passionate about our hobby, growing and caring for our plants whether tropical or hardy as well as actively supporting their protection and conservation. Our aim is to involve as many people as possible in this passion, so why not consider joining us? See our Membership page for details.

Our membership is comprised of people of all ages, from longstanding members with decades of experience to many who have only recently discovered the wonderful world of orchids. We have members who grow their orchids in dedicated greenhouses, despite the rise in energy costs, but many others now successfully grow their orchids in the home on windowsills or in a conservatory. We want to dispel the myth that orchids are difficult plants to grow – it is simply a case of understanding their needs and finding the right plant for you, a task in which we love to help newcomers.

In addition to regular meetings in Edinburgh and Glasgow we hold online meetings via ZOOM for members who are unable to travel to these venues and whether you have just bought your first orchid or are an experienced grower you will be made most welcome. We are a very friendly group who are more than willing to share our accumulated knowledge. Remember, orchids are for everyone – Tha orchids airson a h-uile duine.

Upcoming Events

We are a member of the British Orchid Council and affiliated to the Orchid Society of Great Britain and the Royal Horticultural Society

Last modified: 9 October 2024 @ 6:32 PM
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